Technical sciences. Fundamentals of diagnostics of technical devices and structures / G. A. Bigus, Yu. F. Daniev, N. A. Bystrova, D. I. Galkin. N.E.Bauman. MSTU M .: Publishing house of N.E.Bauman MSTU, 2018.445 p. (36) – 100. – ISBN 978-5-7038-4804-3.

Bigus G.A., Bystrova N.A., Galkin D.I. – N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

The monograph contains the basic concepts of technical diagnostics – a field of knowledge covering the theory, methods and means of determining the technical state of objects. Considerable attention is paid to the methods of non-destructive testing, the correct application of which makes it possible to obtain the initial data for the analysis carried out during technical diagnostics. The elements of the theory of reliability and methods of calculating the indicators of reliability in application to technical diagnostics are stated. The issues of identifying the state of an object by the measured diagnostic parameters and assessing its resource are considered.

The book is intended for specialists in the field of diagnostics of technical devices, experts in the field of industrial safety, as well as students studying in the relevant specialties.

The “Technical Mechanics” Journal

Frequency: 4 times a year

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Editor-in-Chief: Volodymyr P. Poshyvalov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine