Small-arms report reduction devices (Specifications TU U 88.057.004-98 and TU U 88.057.005-98)

The Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Space Agency of Ukraine in cooperation with its Special Engineering and Design Department and IMKAS Research and Production Company has developed and produces report reduction devices (RRDs) for 5.45 mm (including NATO chambered ones), 5.56 mm, and 7.62 mm Kalashnikov machine guns, 5.45 mm (including Series 100), 5.56 mm, and 7.62 mm Kalashnikov submachine guns (Specifications TU U 88.057.004-98), and 9 mm PM, APS, Fort, and Khortitsa and 7.62 mm TT pistols (Specifications TU U 88.057.005-98). The devices do not affect the accuracy of fire or the bullet speed. They are suitable both for single-shot and automatic fire with the use of supersonic (standard) cartridges.

The devices made of corrosion-resistant steel are indestructible, require a minimum of maintenance, and can be used in any environment. They come with a cartridge pouch with a heat shield enabling one to screw them off the barrel with bare hands after firing.

The RRD life is no less than 25,000 shots (corresponds to the barrel life).

The devices significantly reduce the risk of acoustic injure and noise pollution without affecting firing efficiency.

They are indispensable both in training and in combat.

The RRD design is protected by Patents No 2119139 and No 2120594 of the Russian Federation and applications for Ukrainian patents No 97073893 and No 97020581.

The RRD advantages are as follows:

  • high efficiency;
  • they can be used with the standard (supersonic) cartridge;
  • they do not affect the bullet speed;
  • prevention of disclosure and nigh vision device overlight when firing at night;
  • freedom from maintenance;
  • nearly unlimited service life.

Functional characteristics:

  • Material – 12Kh18N10T stainless steel.
  • Mass
    • no more than 0.70 kg (machine guns),
    • no more than 0.75 kg (submachine guns),
    • no more than 0.4 kg (pistols);
  • Length
    • up to 240 mm (machine guns),
    • up to 220 mm (submachine guns),
    • up to 250 mm (pistols);
  • Diameter
    • no more than 43 mm (machine and submachine guns),
    • no more than 38 mm (pistols);
  • Sound pressure reduction
    • no less than 30 dBA (machine and submachine guns),
    • no less than 25 dBA (pistols).

Design documentation, specifications (TU U 88.057.004-98 and TU U 88.057.005-98), a test program and procedure, and user documentation (data sheet and operating instruction) have been drawn up. Design documentation for a PM pistol barrel intended for use with RRD has been drawn up.

The PSUZV-1-5.45 and PSUZV-2-7.62 report reduction devices have passed tests in units of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ukrainian Security Service, and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and have been certified, approved, and added to the arsenal of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ukrainian Security Service.

The report reduction efficiency is determined in conformity with State Standards GOST 23793-79 and GOST 12.1.026-80 and the US Army test procedure given in Military Standard MIL-STO-1474С.

Negotiated price.

Quantity discounting.

CONTACT:Mykola A. Konovalov
OFFICE ADDRESS:15 Leshko-Popelya St., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005
PHONE NUMBER:+38-056-372-06-50

The “Technical Mechanics” Journal

Frequency: 4 times a year

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Editor-in-Chief: Volodymyr P. Poshyvalov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine