- Self-contained pneumatic systems for driver seat vibration protection in vehicles of different types.
- Cavitation pulse technology for the preparation of fine-particle coal-water fuel.
- Technology of vibratory-rotary drilling with the use of drilling assemblies with high-frequency cavitation hydrovibrator.
- Technology and means for hydrodynamic oil-well stimulation.
- Radically new bioenergoinformational medical technology with the use of electromagnetic waves.
- Freight-car truck retrofit.
- Technology of computational substantiation of the design parameters of complex hydraulic systems.
- Technology of vortex separation of fine dust from a gas flow.
- Technology of tryout of industrial equipment flow systems.
- Technologies for the manufacturing of antenna/waveguide devices and solar concentrators.
- Ion-plasma process equipment and technology of application of functional coatings onto hard-to-reach inner surfaces.
- Service in the area of rocket and space engineering.
- Technology of granular material pneumatic transportation under increased pressure of carrying air.
- Technology of jet grinding of bulk materials with acoustic optimization process.
- Technology of manufacturing of microwave satellite communication and telecommunication components and devices.
- “Two_Phase” software product for simulation of acceleration, heating and melting particles in gas-dynamic device passages.
- Technology of spacecraft protection against high-voltage electrization in geostationary, high-elliptical, and high-latitude orbits.
- Plasmochemical technology of cleaning of spacecraft windows and optical systems.
- Biomechanical anthropomorphic systems in locomotor apparatus rehabilitation problems
- Complex of intelligent software modules for medical applications.
- Small-arms report reduction devices (Specifications TU U 88.057.004-98 and TU U 88.057.005-98)