Valerii I. Tymoshenko – head of the department of aerogasdinamics, D.Sc., Professor, corresponding member of the NAS of Urkaine.
State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (1997). M.K. Yangel Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1994). Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2008). INTAS expert (1997–2002). National Representative of Ukraine to the Executive Committee of the International Society for Air Breathing Engines (ISABE).
Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific publications including 8 books:
- Tymoshenko V. I., Limansky A.V. Numerical Computer Solution Technology for Gas-Dynamics Problems (in Russian). Kiev : Naukova Dumka, 1985. – 232 pp.
- Tymoshenko V. I. Supersonic Flows of Viscous Gas (in Russian). – Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1987. – 184 pp.
- Mazur V. L., Timoshenko V. I. Rolling Theory. Hydrodynamic Effects of Lubrication (in Russian). – Moscow : Metallurgia, 1989. – 192 pp;
- Tymoshenko V.I. Computer technology of solving problems in gasdynamics.- New York.: Begell house inc. Publishers, 1998.-247p.
- Tymoshenko V. I. Gas-Dynamics of High-Temperature Technological Processes (in Russian). – Dnipropetrovsk: Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and NSAU, 2003. – 460 pp.
- Tymoshenko V. I. Theoretical foundations of technical gas dynamics. – Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 2013. – 426 pp;
- Mazur V. L., Tymoshenko V. I. Rolling Theory and Technology. Hydrodynamic Effects of Lubrication and Surface Microrelief. – Kyiv: “ADEF – Ukraine”, 2018. – 557 pp;
- Tymoshenko V. I. Computer simulation of aerothermogasdynamic processes in technical facilities. – Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2022. – 194 pp.
Fields of interest: mathematical simulation and numerical study of aerogasdynamic processes in the vicinity of space vehicles; numerical simulation and study of hypersonic and supersonic flow about space transportation systems. Formulation of mathematical models of high-enthalpy thermogas dynamic processes: heat-and-mass transfer with consideration for equilibrium and nonequilibrium physical-chemical processes; gas-phase and heterogeneous processes (phase transformations, ionization, dissociation, combustion, etc.). Study of thermogas dynamic and heat-and-mass exchange processes. Development of numerical algorithms and problem-oriented software engineering.
OFFICE ADDRESS: | Institute of Technical Mechanics, 15 Leshko-Popelya St., Dnipro 49005, Ukraine |
PHONE NUMBER: | +38-056-372-06-41 |
E-MAIL: | vitymoshenko@nas.gov.ua |