Tetiana F. Mokrii

Tetiana F. Mokrii has been working at the Institute of Technical Mechanics since August 1972, after graduating with honors from the Faculty of Computer Engineering of the Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, majoring in “Electronic Computing Machines”.

In 1980, she defended her thesis for the degree of PhD, since 1990 she has been working as a senior researcher, in 2003 she was awarded the academic title of senior researcher.

Her scientific activity is related to the study of random oscillations of elements of complex nonlinear moving mechanical objects and their interaction with a deformable (inertial elastic-dissipative) substrate.

Tetiana F. Mokrii has been the developer of methods, calculation schemes and software, which have been successfully applied to solve a number of important problems, in particular, to predict the vibration load of rocket and space equipment products and their vibration protection during land and sea transportation, for dynamic calculations of passenger and cargo rail crews and the choice of basic parameters, rational from the point of view of ensuring increased dynamic qualities, smoothness of movement and traffic safety. She took an active part in theoretical studies on the development and implementation of the Sich-2M spacecraft protection system from vibration loads during transportation to the launch site, was the responsible executor of a number of works closely related to solving the problem of updating the cargo fleet of Ukrainian railways by modernizing existing and improvement of promising running parts in order to increase the speed and dynamic qualities of crews, reduce the wear and tear of rolling stock and track elements, and increase their resource.

The list of published scientific works of T. F. Mokrii includes more than 110 works, including 10 patents for a utility model.

MAILING ADDRESS:Institute of Technical Mechanics , 15 Leshko-Popelya St.,
49005, Dnipro, Ukraine,
PHONE NUMBER:+38-095-110-12-38

The “Technical Mechanics” Journal

Frequency: 4 times a year

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Editor-in-Chief: Oleg V. Pylypenko, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
