Technology of vibratory-rotary drilling with the use of drilling assemblies with high-frequency cavitation hydrovibrator


Enhanced efficiency of the rotary drilling of holes 36 mm to 250 mm in diameter through various rocks.

Essence of the technology

The imposition of high-frequency, high-amplitude vibrations on the rock-cutting tool and the generation of a pulsating drilling mud flow.


The freedom from springs and moving parts, the enhanced reliability of the drilling assembly, and the moderate overall dimensions make it possible to drill deep holes using vibratory-rotary drilling. The cavitation hydrovibrator needs no depth control of its operation. The cavitation hydrovibrator imparts to the rock-cutting tool longitudinal vibration accelerations of peak-to-peak amplitude 50g to 15,000g in the frequency range 100 to 10,000 Hz. The cavitation hydrovibrator (Fig. 1) is mounted in the drilling string ahead of the rock-cutting tool or over the core barrel.

Fig.1 High-frequency cavitation hydrovibrator

Operational testing

Testing on an experimental drilling ground has shown that the cavitation hydrovibrator offers a 60 to 70 percent increase in penetration speed, a more than twofold increase in rock-cutting tool durability, and a higher recovery of core in drilling trough fissured rocks.

Possible users

Drilling companies in different countries and drilling equipment makers.

Time history of the pressure and vibration accelerations during the operation of the high-frequency oscillation generator. Р2 – pressure at the generator outlet; а2 – vibration acceleration on the hydrovibrator body; а3 – vibration acceleration on the rock-cutting tool
Contact information:
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the NASU and SSAU
Ukraine 49005
15 Leshko-Popel St.
Contact person:V. I. Tymoshenko
Phone:(056) 372 06 41

The “Technical Mechanics” Journal

Frequency: 4 times a year

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Editor-in-Chief: Volodymyr P. Poshyvalov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine