Petro I. Zabolotny – acting head of department of functional elements of the control systems, PhD.
He graduated from Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, thesis: “Electromagnetic fields in axially symmetric microwave resonators with cylindrical and conical surfaces” on the specialty 01.04.03 – radio physics.
Field of interest: microwave resonance systems of SHF and EHF bands and measuring devices based on them to measure the parameters of the electrical and non-electrical quantities, computer simulation of the electrodynamic parameters of microwave measuring devices.
He has 50 scientific publications. The articles were published in the following editions: “Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Padioelektronika”, “Radifizika i Radioastronomiya”, “Technika i Pribory SVCh”, “Radioelektronika. Informatika. Upravleniye”, “Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika”, “Tekhnologiya i Konstuirovaniye v Elektronnoi Apparature”, “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”.